Audio Designer
Sample work
Dmytro Nebesh is a Ukrainian American audio designer based in Baltimore Maryland. Currently employed as a full time Sound Designer at Firaxis Games. During 2023, Dmytro had the privilege of writing music for the indie game “Liquid Space Dimension” by Puppet Fox and working on freelance projects for various Gaming clients, including Boom Entertainment. Dmytro Received his Bachelor’s Degree of Music at the Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University in May 2022, since then he has continued to hone in his craft in composition on his YouTube Channel. He majored in “Music for New Media”, a program focused on writing music for Film, TV, and Video Games.
Latest Projects Highlights
Latest Youtube Videos
Dmytro Nebesh has a youtube channel filled with music, game demos, and video essays. Here is the latest one
Latest Game Jam Project
Game Jams have the ultimate task of creating a whole video game in a short amount of time. Dmytro Nebesh frequently attends them and does all the audio for the projects. Click to see all the games he has worked on